IWF Exhibitor | This time, Ysoul uses a smart spinning bike to redefine the way of fitness!

IWF Exhibitor | This time, Ysoul uses a smart spinning bike to redefine the way of fitness!
You like to go to the gym and ride a spinning bike?
I even plan to buy one to take home and exercise anytime and anywhere.
But when I exercise alone, I always feel that something is missing.
You want to solve this problem.
Okay, you need to get to know the YESOUL smart spinning bike.
Company events
  1. In June 2015, YESOUL smart spinning bike completed sample testing;
  2. In November 2015, YESOUL’s intelligent spinning bicycle realized the function of live broadcasting of courses and entered the internal testing stage, and V1 was determined to be the first-generation product model;
  3. In March 2016, Shanghai Orange Juice Health Technology Co., Ltd. was officially established;
  4. In May 2016, YESOUL, the world's first theater-style spinning club, was established, and the first batch of 600 angel members joined;
  5. In July 2016, YESOUL Ye Xiao Beast smart spinning bike held a new product launch conference, which attracted much attention and favor from all walks of life;
  6. In October 2016, the first batch of YESOUL smart spinning bicycles was launched on the market and was quickly sold out within a week.
YESOUL smart spinning bike display
        The Yesoul spinning bike displays a simple and elegant design style, with the characteristics of small footprint, zero noise, smooth transmission, and knee protection. The front of the car integrates a 19.5-inch smart touch screen and is pre-installed with YESOUL APP, which can realize functions such as live coaching, on-demand courses, and sports data management. Through YESOUL's live broadcast center in Shanghai, 5-8 professional spinning classes are broadcast live every day. Users can feel the club's exercise atmosphere at home and receive real-time guidance from coaches.
   All courses provided by Ye Xiao Beast are developed by outstanding domestic head coaches. They are both professional and contagious, making exercise easy and happy. They are designed to help users develop exercise habits, make them willing to persist, and then achieve more easily. Sports goals.
 The first phase of YESOUL's  products was sold out within a week after it was launched in October 2016. The seller said that Yesoul is especially popular among white-collar workers because this Internet live broadcast + fitness method satisfies the fragmented needs of white-collar workers. Simple fitness needs.
 YESOUL, redefining fitness
        YESOUL brings a new direction to the fitness industry with hardware + Internet live broadcast. Since its release in July 2016, it has amazed the industry as a new fitness species and redefined fitness methods.
The YESOUL brand is affiliated to Shanghai Orange Juice Health Technology Co., Ltd. The founder, Mr. Luo Shaomeng, was previously the vice president of Shuhua, a well-known fitness equipment brand, and has nearly 20 years of industry experience. Baptized by the Internet trend in recent years, Mr. Luo Shaomeng boldly got up and joined the trend in the traditional industry. He launched the YESOUL project in 2015, taking the popular spinning sport in Europe and the United States as an entry point, aiming to allow home fitness users to enjoy a more professional and interactive experience. Fun way to train. Among the company's co-founders are senior brand creatives, Internet technology returnees, well-known professional cycling instructors, etc., reflecting the characteristics of the times of cross-border and integration. YESOUL is just such a brand that combines traditional manufacturing and innovative technology.
        When building this YESOUL smart spinning bike, YESOUL first considered several key demand points: first, the data transmission and sensing requirements for the Internet live broadcast function; second, to meet the needs of professional physical training; third, to meet the needs of modern homes. Aesthetic and human needs of the environment. So YESOUL invited two German Red Dot Award winners Alain Chan and Ken Chuang to design. The two of them have made unique achievements in the design of fitness equipment and household products. They also deeply agree with YESOUL's innovative model and show great enthusiasm for the integration of new technologies. In terms of hardware manufacturing, YESOUL directly found the oldest spinning bike manufacturer in the industry for OEM. The world's first spinning bike was born in their Taiwan factory. Today, this Taiwanese-owned company is still producing orders for world-renowned equipment brands such as Technogym. However, the birth of a masterpiece requires a lot of scrutiny and consideration. During this period, the design team, factory and YESOUL made dozens of revisions, and finally made YESOUL perform top-notch in appearance, craftsmanship, performance, professionalism, etc. level.
        Targeting the pain points of traditional fitness programs 
        YESOUL launches first smart power bike
        In 2016, national fitness became the hottest topic related to the national economy and people's livelihood. At the National Hygiene and Health Conference held in August this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping comprehensively elaborated on the significance of promoting the construction of a healthy China and reiterated that without universal health, there will be no comprehensive moderate prosperity. In October, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Healthy China 2030" plan, an action plan to promote the construction of a healthy China. At the 2016 National Fitness Work Conference of the State Sports General Administration held on November 10, Yang Shuan, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the General Administration, pointed out that health should be the center and promote the deep integration of national fitness and national health.
        At a time when the national fitness movement is in full swing, some people feel very troubled. If you want to go to the gym, it's either too expensive to get a card or it's too far from home. Even if I apply for a card, I am often interrupted by various things. Sometimes it rains and I can't go, sometimes I have to work overtime and I can't go, sometimes the road is too congested and I can't go, just to name a few.
        If it’s inconvenient to go to the gym, then buy some fitness equipment and exercise at home. It’s not that simple either! The treadmill is monotonous and boring. After running a few times, it is idle; ladies can practice yoga, but what should the men do? Let's do spinning. It's not exciting to practice alone. If you're not careful, you may get leg cramps...
        "Can't there be a fitness equipment that is truly suitable for family use, easy to learn and fun?" Luo Shaomeng, who has been in the fitness industry for 18 years and was the former vice president of Shuhua, a well-known fitness equipment brand, empathizes with the pain points of the current traditional fitness program. , and as a person in the industry, he also knows the reasons. For many years, the group of people with real purchasing power will actively choose to buy imported fitness equipment, so most of the time, domestic fitness equipment will compete on price. Even if a company develops a new product or new function, it will soon be copied by other companies in the same industry, and then cut corners and shoddy manufacturing to reduce costs and start a price war. In this context, it is difficult for companies to achieve real innovation.
        With the upgrade of domestic consumption and the development of national fitness campaigns, Luo Shaomeng felt that the time had come. In March 2016, he founded Yeosul. Based on many years of experience, he knows that coaches are the core resource in the fitness industry chain. Compared with gyms, home fitness most importantly lacks professional guidance from coaches and step-by-step systematic courses. Fitness is a relatively professional activity. If beginners do not have the guidance of a coach and their movements are not in place, not only will they have no effect, but they may also cause sports injuries.
        Solving this core problem can solve the pain points of traditional fitness programs. Luo Shaomeng suddenly touched the lifeblood of the industry. In July 2016, Orange Juice Technology’s first project, YESOUL smart spinning bikes, held a new product release; in October 2016, the first batch of YESOUL smart spinning bikes was launched on the market and was quickly sold out within a week.
  As long as the needs of users are truly solved, there will be no need to worry about the lack of market. Luo Shaomeng's judgment is undoubtedly correct. First of all, he chose the spinning bike project. Spinning is a very popular sport around the world. With its energetic and passionate American style, it is loved by fans all over the world, including many international stars and Victoria's Secret supermodels. Secondly, he creatively applied Internet streaming technology to spinning bicycles. By integrating a 19.5-inch smart touch screen on the front of each bicycle and pre-installing the YESOUL APP, functions such as live coaching, on-demand courses, and sports data management can be realized, thus fundamentally It solves the pain point of home fitness without coach guidance. In addition, all courses provided by Ye Xiao Beast are developed by excellent head coaches who have obtained international certification. The rich teaching formats can meet the training needs of different groups of people. These courses are both professional and contagious, making exercise easy and enjoyable. They not only make users willing to persist, but also help them achieve their exercise goals efficiently.
 In addition, YESOUL is also the first home fitness product to use power sensors that are only equipped with top-level medical rehabilitation equipment in spinning bikes, so that users can receive various exercise data in real time and adjust the status in time, thereby greatly Improve the scientificity and effectiveness of training. Based on the above innovations, YESOUL won the "China Good Design" (CGD) gold medal sponsored by the German Red Dot Design Award on October 30.
       “I used to have to make time to go to the gym, but now I can follow the live broadcast classes and do exercises. All my spare time has been used,” a user wrote in a message to Ye Xiao Beast’s WeChat public account.
        Luo Shaomeng, founder and CEO of YESOUL, said, "I love fitness very much. Through YESOUL, I hope to change people's views on traditional fitness and make them realize that it is not just about running outside and practicing equipment in the gym. It’s fitness. Let them realize that fitness can be fun, interesting and healthy at home, so that fitness can truly become a concept, a way of life, and an exercise that can be done anytime and anywhere. fitness."
        YESOUL embraces the trillion-dollar business opportunities of "Healthy China 2030" with technological innovation
On November 21, 2016, Premier Li Keqiang once again mentioned the "Healthy China 2030" Planning Outline at the 9th Global Health Promotion Conference, striving to provide everyone with comprehensive and life-cycle health services by 2030. Life expectancy has reached 79 years, and major health indicators have entered the ranks of high-income countries.
        Some experts said that with the rise of national sports and fitness as a top-level national strategy, China's fitness and leisure industry has ushered in an explosive period, and this golden period will last at least 15 years. In the next 10 years, the scale of China's fitness and leisure industry will more than triple, reaching 3 trillion.
        With the major favorable national policies, the sports and fitness industry is also entering the 2.0 era. The future commercial realization and sustainable development path of the industry has become a topic for collective thinking among enterprises.
        Industry insiders say that the fitness and leisure industry can be said to be a rising industry that has just started, but there are still very few truly innovative business models and products in the industry, and there is still a lot of room for development. Companies like YESOUL have undoubtedly gone At the forefront of the industry.